Foreign Language Film Maker's honoured in pre-Oscar event in LA

Jason Korsner reporting from Los Angeles. Photos available at
Representatives from the Oscar-nominated Foreign Language films attended a question and answer session at the Academy’s Beverly Hills headquarters on Saturday, a day before the Oscars.
After showing clips from the films, the directors answered questions from the thousand-strong audience at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater, about how their projects came about and how they hoped the Oscar nomination might help them with future projects.
The nominated films were:
The Lives Of Others (Germany), directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
Pan’s Labyrinth (Mexico), directed by Guillermo del Toro
Water (Canada), directed by Deepa Mehta
After The Wedding (Denmark), directed by Susanne Bier
Days of Glory – Indigènes (Algeria), directed by Rachid Bouchareb

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