Lyrics wanted

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  • #265674
    Stuart Fox

    I’m an experienced tv / film composer with many commercial credits (see my sites, for info and music downloads), I have always wanted to develop a small portfolio of songs to write / produce and push as film / TV placements but I’ve never had the time to ether find or create the right material dispite many oppertunitys to pitch for major production companies. Since there is a bit of a gap between now and my next music work I am looking for lyrics to develop into produced songs. Full credit / prs / fee share if applicable will be given, but initially it would just be a case of making the track and any contributers having a copy of it for thier own promotional efforts and being kept up to date with news.
    Please reply if you are interested.

    Mike Hallett

    I’m very interested in your post. I have plenty of material available and I’m happy with the arrangement as outlined. Stylistically my material runs from sophisticated pop through rock to the borderlands of folk, blues, etc… If you like I can send a bunch of lyrics on a no obligation basis. Let me know if there are specific styles you’re interested in, or, conversely, any styles you’re not partial to.
    I am also a filmmaker with a site at
    Best wishes,
    Mike Hallett
    Sunlight falls
    Through the attic window
    Onto dust laid in our pattern
    On a weathered parquet floor
    The light catches
    On a pair of old ballet shoes
    One with its heel half-broken
    Kind of says it all
    You and I
    Twisted in that sunlight
    We tried too hard to shape ourselves
    Like two stars up in the lights
    There was a grace
    To our loving, laughing, touching
    But the final curtain came
    As surely as the night
    Dust must fall
    We were no exception
    For all our flesh and blood and bone
    We’re just grist to time’s grey mill
    There were moments
    When we shimmered like sunlit silver
    Our sweet little victories
    When we made time stand still
    (c) Mike Hallett 2006


    Sounds interesting I am a singer ad songwriter you can check out my music page.
    I would be interested to know a bit more about what you are doing.
    All the best

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