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  • Anonimous

    Dear Graham,
    Thanks for your response. I have to admit I was horrified – by the advice given by you, in your earlier postings; especially when you said actors did not come within the NMW Regulations; when clearly they do!
    You said a lawyer would not take the case; but it is the Inland Revenue that is responsible for administering National Minimum Wage Regulations. Normally it is the Inland Revenue NMW Inspector, that would pursue a complaint – where a worker was not paid the NMW. The only thing the applicant would need to do -is make a complaint. Then a NMW Inspector would investigate the complaint; and then seek the employers compliance with the terms and conditions of the NMW.
    I took a case on behalf of two young actors, who were placed by an agent to work a 12 hour day for £25. The agent took £5 commission. Not only did the Production Company have to pay the correct NMW; the agent had to refund their commission too!
    The actors had already agreed to work, for below the NMW. But, after they did the work in freezing cold conditions with little or no catering, they contacted me. I then took the issue up with the Inland Revenue NMW section. Both actors were then paid the National Minimum Wage.
    You say you have “a fair and unprejudiced approach” and that “it is important to provide correct information”. You also stated you were “merely raising a topic of debate”. I am sorry I find your postings on this particular subject; very un-helpful and – very misleading. Every employer in this country has to pay their workers at least the National Minimum Wage; no ifs and no butt’s. That does mean Film & TV.
    The whole idea of a NMW is to protect those vulnerable to abuse – of low rates of pay. If a business cannot afford to pay the NMW; then they should not be business. Someone who wants to ‘profit’ purely by paying little or no wages to their actors; is breaking the law…
    The acting profession is full of actors looking for that ‘big break’, which may never happen. Working for little or no wages could be seen – to further their acting career. But in many situations the actor is working for nothing; for no benefit. Too many Production Companies try to exploit the actor, in this situation.
    You may not wish to pay “lots of money”; but you certainly do make a ‘profit’ from the work your studio takes on. Surely the actor has a right to profit too? Employers in the Film & TV industry seem to think they are above the law; they are not.
    The law is qui

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